Onondaga Y-Indian Princess Tribe - New Canaan, CT
2004-2005 Calendar of Events

Click on the links below to view photos from prior Onondaga Tribe events.
Note some albums require a login - username and password are onondaga
2004-05 Events 2003-04 Events 2002-03 Events 2001-02 Events 2000-01 Events
John Weisenseel Chief Tom Hardy Chief David Sabel Chief Billy Conron Chief Bruno DiCosmo Chief
Roton Point September 2001
Westport October 2004 Westport October 2003 Westport October 2002 Westport October 2001
Ice Skating November 2002 Ice Skating November 2001
Holiday Party Dec 2004 Holiday Party Dec 2003 Holiday Party Dec 2002 Holiday Party Dec 2001
Camp Jewel Jan 2005 too cold for photos! Camp Jewel Jan 2003 Camp Jewel Jan 2002
Prime Climb March 2005 Prime Climb October 2003 Prime Climb March 2002 Art & Soul January 2002
Frost Valley May 2005 Frost Valley May 2004 Frost Valley May 2003 Frost Valley May 2002 Frost Valley May 2001
Memorial Day 2004 no parade - rained out Memorial Day 2002 Memorial Day 2001

About the background image:
The Longhouse tradition is deeply interwoven with the lives of American Indians. Historically, it has been a place of worship, of treaties for peace, of celebrations of birth, marriage and death and of important tribal meetings.

The background is an image of the "Hiawatha" wampum Belt of the Iroquois League symbolizing the leagues formation.

The Five Nations of the Iroquois League were the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Seneca and Onondaga.

Four of the five founding leagues are represented by the rectangles. Onondaga, the central nation,
is symbolized by the tree of peace.